Hello everyone!
I try to figure out what is the best strategy here using . Anyone can help?
Here are our 2 must dos:
Kilimanjaro Safari at AK (Early Morning)
Character Dining at Epcot (11:45 breakfast)
Want List:
Na'vi River Journey
Festival of the Lion King
Frozen Ever After
Meet Elsa & Anna at Epcot
GOTG Cosmic Rewing
Slinky Dog Dash
Mickey & Minnie Runaway Railway
We can do Early Entry.
Thank you!
The cheapest and in some ways easiest thing would be to get MP for DAK and use it to unlock the slots early.
If you could early entry Navi and first thing unlock at safari you will have more luck with flipping other passes. the earliest (and only option with 1145 lunch)festival of lion king is 10 am which may be possible before you park hop.
I would single pass gog to get the time you want. Then just do the slots for the other rides and hope luck is on your side!
Ending at slinky dog and just waiting in a line is not the worst end to a day!
Rob did do something similar to this on his 27 tips video, he started at AK and got an early LL to unlock and then booked the rest:
If you definitely want to do Kilimanjaro early morning you'll have to do early entry there. You'll definitely be able to get Navi and Kilimanjaro Safari done during early entry with a low wait on both (do Navi first)
. Then head over to Epcot, do Frozen using the standby line and get an individual lighting lane for Guardians.
You have two options regarding multi-pass I think.
Option 1: Pre-book Slinky Dog for later in the day, then hope by the time you get there you can still get a Mickey & Minnie's LL. Perhaps also pre-book Star Tours or a show to unlock as soon as you get there.
Option 2: Pre-book a very early Animal Kingdom lightning lane, use that to unlock and potentially get Lightning Lanes for Frozen, Slinky & Micky and Minnies.
Option 2 is probably more risky as there's no guarantee you'll get the Lightning Lanes, but also carries more reward!
A few options come to mind but it depends on what you are able to pre-book, which depends on how far in advance you're doing the bookings, and how busy the day is. Though I think it may be possible to do all this without lightning lanes except for single passes for Guardians. Do Hollywood Studios with early entry, starting with Slinky. After that do Mickey & Minnie's with a ~25 minute standby queue. Then go to Epcot by 10:30, Frozen will likely have a ~45 minute standby queue, so you can get it done before your character meal. After your meal, meet Anna & Elsa, with ~30 minute wait. You should be able to get to Guardians with single passes by around 2:00pm. After Guardians, head over to Animal Kingdom on time for the 4pm Lion King. After Lion King do Kilimanjaro at around 5pm with a ~10 minute wait (I see you specified early morning, but 5pm is also a great time for this attraction according to Rob's recent AK video) . Then do Na-vi with a ~40-minute wait. You could use lightning lane multipass to reduce some of the wait times. But it's possible you'll only really save time on one of those attractions, since you're park hopping and Frozen, Slinky, Mickie & Minnie's, and Na'vi have limited availability on the day. If you really want to do Kilimanjaro in the early morning, it is also possible, but in this case you'll start at AK, and end at HS. You would do Na'vi in early entry. If you can get an early enough Frozen return time pre-booked, then you should grab it (though you'll only get a morning Frozen if you're booking ~2 weeks in advance). On tap-in at Frozen book Mickey & Minnie's, and either do Slinky just before park close or play the slots in the afternoon (new release times do often come up for Slinky in the afternoon). But in the likely case you can't pre-book an early Frozen return time then aim for later day Slinky if available, otherwise Mickey & Minnie's (also later day). This means you won't be able to use any of your lightning lanes until the end of the day though. Another option is a very early lightning lane at AK to unlock you (e.g dinosaur, it's tough to be a bug), then on tap-in book Mickey & Minnie's (Frozen may be gone or too late in the day, Slinky will be gone). You can play the slots for Slinky throughout the day (and for Frozen, though you're less likely to get that).