You will have a great time!!!
I would ask folks what their absolute top three things are, and then try to prioritize them for the first two days while their stamina is at its highest. That way, if they wear out and want or need to spend more time resting, they already knocked out their top things at least. :)
It might be a good strategy to have one group in the "morning shift," then come back to the hotel and swap with those in the "evening shift"? That way nobody gets too tired and you could even split groups according to age or preferences? If you have park hoppers, you could hit one park in the morning and one in the evening? The only downside of this might be less together time as one big group.
Sometimes folks don't recommend table service meals due to the time they take up and the price, but if those aren't concerns I very much recommend them, it is soooo nice to sit down out of the heat and not have to worry about fighting anyone for quick service seating (not literally fighting, haha, but it is hard, you gotta watch like a hawk and swoop in when one is free!) We did 1-2 table service meals every day during our trip (one day we even did 3!), and when combined with Genie+ we were still able to do everything we wanted. Table service meals are also a great way for your kids to meet all those characters they want to meet, all at once with no lines and in the AC! Recommend Akershus especially for the princesses. We met Mickey at Garden Grill and Topolino and both were great!
One last tip, get Magic Spotter flags for your strollers from Etsy, ours made it so easy to instantly spot our stroller no matter where it got moved. Let us know how it all goes!